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Notarial activity 
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The position and activity of public notaries are stipulated by the Act of the Slovak National Council No. 323/92 Coll. on notaries and notarial activity (Notarial Order) as amended.

A   n o t a r y  is a person designated and authorized by the state to perform notarial function as well as other activities in compliance with this act.

 Notarial activity includes:

  1. writing and issuing documents on legal acts: - notary writes and issues public documents (notarial records) on legal acts. Notarial records contain unilateral legal acts and two-sided legal acts.
  2. testifying legally important facts: - upon participant´s request the notary testifies the fact or facts, which could serve the basic document for the application of rights, or with which legal consequences could be connected. It issues mostly the following certificates:
    • on the correctness of transcription or photocopies of documents (vidimation),
    • on the authenticity of the signature on the document (legalization),
    • on the fact that a document has been submitted and when it happened,
    • on the protestation of drafts,
    • on the course of general meetings and sessions of legal entities,
    • on the fact that somebody is alive,
    • on the proclamation and prescription,
    • on other facts.
  3. notarial custody proceeding: - a notary, on a request of the compounder, accepts into a notarial deposit:
    • documents, mostly testaments, with an exception of documents, the contents of which he may not judge,
    • money and documentary valuables, if he was handed them over with a request to pass them to a certain recipient,
    • money, if it was handed to him with a request to dispose of them subject to a contract or a special regulation.
  4. notarial central registers acts: - a notary writes legal acts, which are administered in central registers (NCR), the Notarial Chamber of the Slovak Republic administers the following central registers:
    • Notarial central register of the rights of lien (NCRzp) - in which a notary registers rights of lien to movable assets, outstanding debts, an enterprise, or part of an enterprise, changes in register data, performance or expungement of a right of lien. A notary issues also extracts from this register for a fee. The right of lien may be constituted based on a contract, act, court decision, or a decision of an administrative body, or a certificate of heritage subject to particular regulations of the Civil Code. Registration is realized based on an application, on which the applicant proves with his signature correctness of the registered data.
    • Notarial central register of assigned legal entities (NCRpo) - a notary registers in it legal entities as receivers of the 2 % share of paid income tax subject to the Act on income tax
    • Notarial central register of notarial records (NCRnz) - contains registered notarial records
    • Notarial central register of certified signatures (NCRop) - a notary registers in it signature authenticity certifications
    • Notarial central register of testaments (NCRza) - contains registered testaments, deeds of disinheritance, documents on their revocation and other legal acts in case of death
    • Notarial central register of voluntary sales by auction (NCRdr) - a notary registers in it voluntary sales by auction subject to particular legal regulations
    • Notarial central register of documents (NCRls) - a notary saves en brevet with all its annexes in an electronic form into the Notarial Central Register of Documents, while en brevet is saved with the signatures of participants, public notary seal and the public notary signature after being scanned. Simultaneously, private documents are saved in this register.
  5. other activities subject to this act in its current version: a notary may provide natural persons and legal entities with legal advice, write other deeds and perform administration of their property or represent them in connection with the administration of their property, if not stipulated by the law otherwise.